What are products shipped from overseas and how do I identify them on the website?

Overseas products are sent by Sellers located outside Philippines.
They are flagged on product pages on the top right corner as “Shipped from overseas.”

What payment method can I use to buy products shipped from overseas?

You can pay for your “Shipped from overseas” items with the following cards: Mastercard, Visa, Paypal
We do not accept Cash on Delivery for overseas items.

What if I want to cancel my Overseas Product?

Orders cannot be cancelled once payment is confirmed.

When will I receive my item exactly?

The delivery time is usually between 6 to 20 days.

  • 80% of orders delivered in 6 to 15 days
  • 15% of orders delivered in 16 to 20 days
  • 5% of orders take more than 20 days to ship; when this happen it is linked to customs clearance abnormal delays

Once your order is dispatched by the seller, you will receive an email to confirm that your package is on its way. On “My orders” page you can access your order status and tracking number.

What happen if I did not receive my product within the estimated delivery time?

In case your item has not yet reached you within the estimated delivery time displayed on the product page, please contact our Customer Service at or call us at +632 351 71 00 /0928 153 2584 between 8am and 5pm on weekdays and 9am to 3pm on weekends for clarification.

Do I have to pay extra duties or taxes for Overseas Product?

No, all “Shipped from overseas” products are delivered at no additional cost to you, as the price includes customs fees and import duties. You are not expected to pay any additional duties or taxes.
If you are asked by Customs or our logistic partner to pay duties, please contact our Customer Service at or call us at +632 351 71 00 /0928 153 2584 between 8am and 5pm on weekdays and 9am to 3pm on weekends for clarification.

“Shipped from Overseas” return policy

For items flagged as “Shipped from Overseas”, returns are only accepted for the below reasons:
For products flagged as “Shipped from Overseas”, no returns will be accepted for reasons other than listed below:

International Shipping

For example, we do not accept returns if size does not fit, or if client dislike the product (color, material, style). We encourage you to carefully check full description of the items and confirm it will meet all your expectations before placing your order.

How to return?

You can find how to return your products here