Line printingLine printing for higher speed, superior print quality, and quieter operation.
Tax calculationAutomatic calculation of price plus tax, price less tax, discount, selling price, tax amount, discount amount, and margin amount.
Cost/Sell/MarginCalculate the cost, selling price, or margin of profit on an item, given the other two values.
Mark-up/Mark-downAll the mark-up/mark-down capabilities of an adding machine for simplified cost and profit calculations.
Rounding selectorF: Floating decimals. CUT: Values are cut off. UP: Values are rounded up. 5/4: Values are rounded off.
Decimal selector4,3,2,1,0 : Specifies the number of decimal places as 4,3,2,1,0. ADD2: 2 decimal places are assumed for entries and results of all addition and subtraction operations.
Key rolloverKey operations are stored in a buffer, so nothing is lost even during high-speed input.
Large displayLarge, easy-to-read display.
Durable Anti-fade KeysKeys are produced by injecting plastic of two different colors. Key markings are plastic, which means they do not wear or fade with use